Pricing Mechanisms to Earn after Learn

Call Now Home Course Details When talking about Digital Marketing Freelancing – Candidates who take Digital Marketing Course from various places are confused with regard to what fees they should charge the client or what are the basis on which billing is done. At Webfame Digital Marketing Academy through our Expert Digital Marketing Course we ensure […]

Interview Appearance & Good Practices

Call Now Home Course Details At Webfame digital marketing academy – we are not only focused on training candidates on best practices but also to make sure that the candidates are confident enough to present their knowledge effectively and fluently as and when needed across interviews or presentations etc. We try imparting the presentation skills right […]

Job Hunting

Call Now Home Course Details When getting trained in our Expert Digital Marketing course at Webfame Digital Marketing Academy one must not worry much about job placements as due to good connections and networking across India – Webfame receives enough candidate requests from across Raipur & Pan India. But it becomes important even for the candidate to know […]

Resume Writing

Call Now Home Course Details Among Digital Marketing Training institutes in Webfame Digital Marketing Academy is well known for being a Placement hub for almost all job vacancies in and around Raipur region. We not only believe in proving job oriented digital marketing training but also believe in preparing candidate in such a way that they […]

Social Media Paid- Campaigns

Call Now Home Course Details Social media in today’s date is very important for a business is digital success. But we must understand that social media marketing is divided into two parts that is first the organic part which does not involve any payment and works by tweaking the algorithms of social media platforms like […]

Affiliate marketing

Call Now Home Course Details Affiliate Marketing is a way of marketing, in which a person promotes or recommends the products of any other company or organization, through any of their sources, such as a blog or website. In return, the company or the organization gives some commission to that person. There is a separate […]

Organic Marketing on Facebook , Linkedin & Instagram

Call Now Home Course Details Social media these days play an important role in a business’s visibility online as the Percentage share of the user interaction of users on Social media is much higher than the percentage of users interacting to a Business’s website. The Reason for this higher interaction on Social media is the […]

Competitor Analysis & Strategy Formulation

Call Now Home Course Details When promoting a client on Social media it becomes very important to keep ahead of the Competitors and also make sure to stay in the topics which are in trend. For a Client to make a firm presence among its competitors it be ahead fo what its competitors are up […]

Introduction Social Media Marketing

Call Now Home Course Details Social Media plays an important role in any business’s online presence and identity. In today’s scenario Social media interaction users is higher than any other platform – where the users get the freedom to express their views and connect with known & past-connections. From a Business perspective, these platforms can help achieve […]

Web Analytics & Tag Manager- Advanced

Call Now Home Course Details At Webfame Digital Marketing Academy – We believe in delivering the most advanced strategies and tools which can help a marketer to achieve great results over a short span of time- Due to which we include two Advanced modules in our course which are not outbreaking in themselves.   Google Analytics […]

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