Search Engine Optimization

About Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is the process of ranking the websites in a natural or organic way.

Business organizations need to ensure that their websites reflect their business ethics, ideals and performance to obtain maximum Return on Investment. The main goal of any good website of any business organization, regardless of its size or nature of the business, is to rank. Including SEO in any marketing strategy is very important. If your ad is ranked at the top of a search engine, you are more likely to receive more impressions and clicks as compared to your competitors resulting in a significant increase in traffic to your website. A proper and efficient SEO also significantly improves customer engagement with your website. The more relevant the keywords, the more time a customer will spend on your website reading content and looking at the products and getting to know the services and all of these can be tracked through Google Analytics.

You might be an e-commerce or non-e-commerce site by providing trackable and quantifiable results from lead enquiries, form submissions and sales.

The Web is undergoing changes at an unprecedented pace and so are markets and businesses. Organizations in the past were satisfied with their pretty looking and content-rich websites and web pages. However, it was soon understood by companies worldwide that a website was not enough. It needed to be promoted on a big scale. Websites that were not well promoted eventually turned into just electronic brochures and cost centres delivering no real value. Soon the quest for targeted traffic began and slowly companies started looking for Internet marketing tools and media. Obviously, there is no better medium in the world than promotions on search engines like Google, Yahoo!, MSN and AltaVista. The traffic that these search engines generate in a month is probably equal to a whole country’s population. The business potential of search engine promotions is unimaginable. Needless to say, being present on the first 2-3 pages on critical keywords for your business is essential to harness the true power of the World Wide Web. Search Engine Optimization is not just to know about the search engines, but it is to make one’s site better for the users.

Over 2.16 trillion internet searches are conducted each month. SEO is not about understanding your audience in order to give them value. It’s about “link building”, the more links you have, the more popularity you will gain and the more notice you will get creating hits and ratings. SEO is the process of enhancing the visibility of a brand’s online web presence in organic search, where organic search results are organized according to relevance.

A search engine results page is divided into two sections (out of three). Paid search results are shown above the top and along the right side (usually in a slightly different coloured background or box. Paid search is the process of gaining visibility and traffic to your brand’s online web presence through the sponsored listing and other biddable media, where advertisers only pay for each click on an ad. The organic search results (unpaid for) are in the middle and continue as you scroll down the page. SEO is all about consumer behaviour to gain results; most viewers look to organic results when they are browsing or doing research on items or information without any recommendations or referrals.

SEO works with the help of spiders, algorithms and crawlers. Search Engine spiders are software programs that follow links posted from website to website, page to page and index the information into databases. These databases are used later for scoring and ranking. Search engine algorithms are basically a unique formula that uses the data collected by spiders to determine the significance of a web page. They determine if a web page is real or just spam and many other features to rank and its results, making an organized search engine results page. Finally, the website with the highest score gets ranked first; the next is second…etc. But typically no one looks for results after the 2-5 pages.

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